coming together and being like a family…
It's about helping one another.
And we come together as friends.”
– Sakiya, Common Threads student
– Sakiya, Common Threads student
Through our cooking and nutrition programs and curriculum, we help kids and families experience the joy of cooking, while learning how and why healthy foods fuel the body. Through our various programs, we believe we can reverse the trend of generations of non-cookers.
At Common Threads, we bring our family-centric, hands-on program model with proven results to kitchens under-resourced across America. Our unique approach empowers children to eat healthy, make sustainable behavior changes, and celebrate culture through food.
Participants in our programs demonstrate statistically significant increases in:
During the 2018-19 program year, Common Threads:
Using researched-based curriculum that is tied to national Common Core standards, Common Threads works within school districts and community-based organizations, making it possible to meet kids and families where they live, learn, work and play. Our lessons are taught by trained professionals and experts in their fields, teachers and volunteers who attend our train-the-trainer programs. Our approach focuses on the critical peer relationships and adult mentorship that shape inspire our youth. Through our programs, children experience positive adult interactions and a safe environment in which to learn the relationship between decisions and outcomes. Our community-based adult volunteers support students through the process of cooking and serve as a model for teamwork and social skill building.
We also focus on building a school-wide culture of health with our partners. Teachers, parents and community members have experienced the power of Common Threads' programming, and we have become a trusted partner in the school districts and organizations where we work serve. Common Threads continues to participate in local district vetting processes to ensure high-quality and policy-aligned programming. Common Threads curricula has received independent endorsement and support from a number of organizations and institutions, including but not limited to: